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BBOP Boosters

B-BOP's mission is to promote and support the instrumental music programs at Arrowhead High School by helping to recognize student accomplishments and to provide the directors with assistance as needed. In keeping with this mission, there are ample opportunities for parents to become involved. Larger BBOP activities include coordinating fundraisers, promoting the program, etc. If you would like to become involved, please contact one of the current executive officers from the list below. 

President: Brian Brandel (
Vice-President: Wendy Haglin (

Treasurer: Joel Braunschweig (

Secretary:  Jodi Zell (

Member-at-Large: Patrick Fitzgerald (

Please consider a donation to BBOP.  We have three different avenues where your donations can help:


  1.  Gib Weigel scholarship fund - This is used to fund the annual scholarship going to a graduating senior that intends to major or minor in music at a college, university, or school of music.  We currently award $1,000 to the student to be used for tuition, books, etc.

  2. General fund - This is used to financially assist student with private lessons, summer music camps, supplies and trips for example.  Private lessons can be about $30 each week, camps range in price from $400 to $700 (about $500 on average).  This ia also used for other areas that are not covered by the school budget.


The button in the top right will connect you to the donation site. If you would like your donation to benefit one specific area, please indicate that on the drop down menu on the donation site.  Please contact any of the officers listed above with any questions about these programs or BBOP in general.




The BBOP board


BBOP is a 501(c)(3) entity and all contributions are tax deductible.

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Next Meeting


3/19, 5:00pm

North campus band room

Gib Weigel Scholarship Information and Application

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